Hugh Poland Hall ~ WKU

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Room Changes

Room changes will begin to be approved on Sept. 7th (next Thursday). The form is available at the front desk.

Room changes will continue to be approved and take place during September.

If you still do not get a roommate by Sept. 25, you'll have 3 options: 1) request a room change 2) agree to get a roommate of our choosing and agree to move (consolidate with another person who doesn't have a roommate) or 3) request and pay for a Private room--if available.

In the meantime, if you have roommate concerns - talk with your RA. Here are a few roommate tips:
  • Start talking early!
  • Talk about behaviors; make roommate aware of the issue
  • Respect other points of view
  • Set aside specific time to talk
  • Remain calm
  • Practice active listening!
  • Ask your RA for help
  • Use your Roommate Agreement/ contracts (see your RA if you didn't get one)
ps- the cable TV will be down for a couple hours on Friday afternoon. Also, the newspapers in the lobby are FREE :)

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Run for Poland Hall Council! Interested? Info meeting at 5p this Tuesday, 1st floor.

The "Freshmen Assembly" is postponed until NEXT Tuesday 6p-7:30p at Guthrie Tower. Bands, food, fireworks and our own Class of 2010 pin :)

Apply for DLI at the front desk, (Dynamic Leadership Institute). We'll have a DLI-Phase 1 in Poland this Fall. They will meet on Tuesdays at 3:30p. Info meeting also at 5p this Tues., 1st floor. If you can't meet here at that time, there are other groups across campus! See Amanda Phillips in DUC 340 (745-2060) for other dates and times.

Intramurals! Start a softball or flag-football team with your floor or hall. Rosters are due next week; Ask an RA..

Go on a trip with ORAC (outdoor rec.)
See what's going on with CAB these days (Campus Activities Board)..
Or find any club or student organization to fit your fancy!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ode to Move-in

Let us remember the good ol' days of check-in :)
to the tune of the Western fight song "Stand up and cheer":

Sit down and cheer
sit down and cheer because you're tired
For today it rained
and the lines are really long
*rah* *rah* *rah*
Come get your sticker,
and fill out your RCR
Show your ID!
We're team HP!
For this is deal ol' check-in dayyy!

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Door-2-Door: Poland all-floors social, Sunday night, 9p
Cookin' it up: 8th floor (kitchen) Sunday 8/27 6pm
Game night: everyone invited, 1st floor, Saturday 8/26 6:30p---snacks too!
Ice cream night: 7th floor (kitchen) Tues, 8/29 8:30p
Painting with Katie: everyone invited, Wed. 8pm in front of Poland. Make a mess, relieve the stress!
Poland Hall Council and DLI (Dynamic Leadership Institute) interest session: Tuesday, 5p in the study room (1st floor)

FLOOR MEETINGS: roommate agreements, student handbook, community standards revisit, ideas for events/shirts/etc.
  • 2nd floor: Monday, 9pm
  • 3rd floor: Monday, 8:45p
  • 4th floor: Monday, 8:30p
  • 5th floor:
  • 6th floor:
  • 7th floor: Wednesday, 9p
  • 8th floor: Wednesday, 9p
  • 9th floor: Monday, 9pm

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

sexual assault and rape

In the past few years, many of the young women that reported sexual assault or sought counseling at WKU were from Poland. First-year students during the first few months of school are at the highest risk. Here are a few numbers:
  • Women ages 16-24 are assaulted four times as much as other ages.
  • Of college students who survive sexual assault, almost 90% knew their attacker beforehand.
  • 1 in every 3 women will have been sexually assaulted in their lifetime. (1 in 6 for men).
  • Alcohol and other drugs are commonly involved in rape and assaults.

Here are a few resources:

  • Your RA or Hall Directors! (tell the front desk it's an emergency- they'll get us)
  • Elizabeth Mohon, 409 Potter Hall, 745-3159
  • Western's student handbook: sexual harrassment policy and steps to take
  • Hope Harbor, 913 Broadway, 846-1100 (24hrs. crisis line)
  • B.R.A.S.S. (Barren River Area Safe Space; domestic violence)
  • WKU Police Department, 745-2548 or 911
  • R.A.D. free classes (Rape Aggression Defense; ask an RA or Hall Director)
  • WKUPD escort service: 745-3333

Friday, August 04, 2006

Meet the Resident Assistants (RA) staff!

(Left to right): Megan, Katie, Sara, Crystal, Ashley S., Kristen, Tiesha, Ashley T.
Your RA lives in the _06 room on your floor! (near the elevators)

Katie is the RA on the 2nd floor; she worked at a camp this summer and painted her face when she wasn't hiking or stubbing her toe. Katie's an art major too (can't you tell?).

Once she had to wear a pig costume at Famous Dave's (it's not a lie), and someone asked her out on a date. *Monkeys* are her favorite.

Crystal is the 3rd floor RA; She is the middle child (youngest girl though). She likes the moveable furniture in Poland! :)

I think she worked two jobs this summer *fun* and was a Night Clerk at McCormack last year.

Kristen is on 4th floor, and she looooves cereal--but not fruit. (Even though her grandma likes to give her fruit..) Except mandarin oranges! Those are OK.
She knows what homeschooling is like, and she has a lot of movies.

Ashley T. is on 5th floor; she likes the lake and dove off a cliff this summer (even though she's scared of heights--she didn't want an 8-year-old to show her up).
Ashley loves Grey's Anatomy, Mac 'n Cheese, water skiing, ...

Tiesha is the RA on the 6th floor; She spent the summer working for an investment firm and traveled to California.
Tiesha lived on the 6th floor last year *woohoo* and loves fried pork chops (just clean the kitchen when you're done, please).

Sara is the 7th floor RA. She's from Indiana and works at Holiday World (in Santa Claus, Indiana... on Christmas Blvd.) She likes pies too :)

Last year, she was an RA in Minton Hall.

Ashley S. is the RA on 8th floor; She's from Kentucky and worked hard making car brakes this summer. Ashley's majoring in Healthcare Info. Systems and likes horror movies, comedies, hip-hop, her brother's car club, other stuff... "I know, right!?"

Megan is the 9th floor RA; she's from WisCONsin and drove all the way here yesterday. This summer she spent time at Cold Stone (making up songs for the tip jar) and at the lake on boats. She likes boats. Megan wants a yacht and will name it "The Black Pearl" arrrgh!

She also likes Corvettes, pies, and David Bowie. This is Megan's 2nd year as an RA in Poland.

Coming soon: meet the hall directors and desk staff!