Hugh Poland Hall ~ WKU

Friday, September 29, 2006

Bowling Green International Festival

If tailgating isn't your bag, baby, then check out the B.G. Int'l Festival downtown. It's all day Saturday! (10a-7p) Food, music, shows, gifts, etc. See their site for details...

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Minority Student Leadership retreat

Think about it! For more info, contact Shawnboda (Northeast Hall Director) at

Monday, September 25, 2006

ShantyTown tonight!

This is a picture of a real shanty.
Shantytown is a campus-wide event to raise homelessness awareness. Sponsored by RHA and the WKU campus of Habitat for Humanity, all the residence halls compete tonight for the best 'shanty'.

See what it's like to be homeless..even for just an hour or we build our Poland shanty out of cardboard.

Meet in the lobby at 8:15p (Tues.) or meet us over in the lawn between Tate-Page, MMTH and Bemis lot.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month began on September 15, the anniversary of independence for five Latin American countries—Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico declared its independence on September 16, and Chile on September 18.

There's at least one celebration planned:
Location: Fine Arts Center Amphitheater
Time: Noon - 3 p.m. Contact: (Susann Davis) 270/745-6478

Stay tuned for more!

Friday, September 22, 2006

You've got mail!

There are lots of residual checks and packages at the front desk; remember to bring your WKU ID and sign for them :)

Have a great, safe weekend!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Board game night at DUC tonight

DUC 3rd floor 6:30p-?
Free snacks!
Sponsored by a WKU alum (who used to live in Rodes) with

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Happy Birthday, Lindsay Hammond

Stop by the 2nd floor and sing "Feliz Cumpleanos a ti..." or something :)

...on WEDNESDAY :P thanks Katie, you monkey..

Thursday, September 14, 2006

R.A.D. self-defense classes

R.A.D. stands for Rape Aggression Defense, and is a program of self-defense tactics and techiques for women.

It's not a martial arts class, and you don't need any experience to sign up. It's offered to WKU students at no cost. You even get to keep the book they use.. and can return to any RAD class in the future to practice.

The Fall '06 classes are:
Oct. 9, 10, 12 (Mon. Tues. Thurs.) 5:30p-8:30p
Nov. 1, 2, 3 (Wed. Thurs. Fri.) 5:30p-8:30p
locations TBA..

The contact is Sgt. Joe Harbaugh ( at 745-2548.
RAD is provided by WKU PD and RAD instructors. It's a national program; to find out more, visit There's even some video clips there :)

Your RA and Hall Directors have the brochures to sign up with, or you can pick them up at the WKU Police Dept.

news, birthdates and pictures needed!

Send your news, birthdates, and pictures of Poland gals to brian.powell @wku and we'll post them here! (Happy late birthday to Paige)

Or I can just find some on Facebook :o

Also feel free to add comments to the posts...

ps- There is a lost-and-found box at the front desk. Three sets of keys, four WKU IDs, an umbrella, etc. are awaiting their owners!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Click here to vote for Big Red, our loveable mascot, at CapitalOne!

Wed. night 8pm: MasterPlan focus group. Tell M-Plan folks what worked and what didn't work with MasterPlan... Enter a drawing for prizes too. Poland lobby.

Wed. night 9pm: Karaoke night and Battle of the Sexes! Bring a CD; there's also a rumor about pancakes...

All week: We still have about 10-15 spaces for the DLI session in Poland that starts next week. Dynamic Leadership Inst. is a great way to get involved, develop leadership and teamwork skills, and boost your resume'! Apply at the front desk or see Joisanne..

Sat. 4p: hot dogs and stuff with Poland pre-game. $1. 1st floor and front porch.

Sat.: WKU first home game! Go with a big Poland group before the game starts (6p start time).

Note: Tailgating areas are not near Poland :( There will be no cups, drinks, etc. entering Poland on Saturday and no 'public restrooms'. Remember the President's email today: "if a person is under the age of 21 and is drinking alcohol, that person could be subject to University disciplinary sanctions up to and including arrest if one’s behavior is out of line."

Monday, September 11, 2006

What about .. MASTER-Plan?

How was your MasterPlan experience??
A M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan Focus Group will be held in the Hugh Poland Hall lobby for participants living in Poland, Keen, and PFT on Wednesday at 8pm.

Help us start planning next year by talking to us about this year! Attendance and participation will enter YOU into a prize drawing at the end of the session!

For more information, please contact Tara at x5-5863 or

Sunday, September 10, 2006


In remembrance of those who lost their lives, friends, and family on 9/11

Friday, September 08, 2006

room changes, part 2

*also note that Hall Council meets at 8:45p on Sunday night*

--> There are no empty rooms available in Poland; This means that it will be near impossible for pairs of friends to get a request approved (to a new room together) :(

--> If you are requesting an individual move, please put the request in ASAP! I began approving them Thursday, and we really need to wrap it all up next week.
--> I am 'out' this weekend, so additional room change stuff (requests you turned in last night or today) will resume on Monday; sit tight! :)
--> If you have questions before Monday, email me at

5 Steps to room-changing :)
After you've submitted a request....

  1. Get an approved form in your mailbox
  2. Find an RA to check you into your new room; this will require a $25 deposit for having a 2nd key checked out (your original room key, and now your new room key).
  3. Move.
  4. Find an RA to check you out of your old room. Give them your key.
  5. Take the copy of the RCR form (checkout paperwork) to the desk or to BP and get your $25 key deposit back.
If you just put in a request the last day or two, please be patient. I've been working with the stack of requests that began coming in August 24th. If you haven't received an approval yet, there's probably a good reason. :)

Catch the WKU/EKU game Saturday; the TV in the community room works now! Bring a group down...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Dynamic Leadership Insitutue (DLI)!

Poland will have a DLI-Phase1 session this semester; applications are due by Sept. 11, so pick one up at the front desk. The first meeting is scheduled for Sept. 19th (Tuesday 3:30p) and will meet approx. every-other Tuesday. If you have any questions, ask Joisanne or BP!

  • It's free
  • You learn about leadership concepts, styles, etc.
  • You can graduate and move to Phases 2, 3, ...
  • Different presenter and topic every week
  • Meet people
  • No homework!
  • There are other sessions across campus if Tues. 3:30p is bad for you
  • It can fulfill an 'involvement' requirement
  • Looks great on your resume

Friday, September 01, 2006

upcoming events...

No school Monday! Have a safe weekend...

Monday night at 9p, we'll have our first Poland Hall Council meeting in the community room; come by if you want to get involved :)

Monday night after Hall Council we'll have pancakes in the lobby; $1 or canned food donation for the Red Cross drive.

Tuesday is Health and Safety Checks. Staff will enter your room sometime between 10a and 10p.

Tuesday is also the re-scheduled Freshmen Assembly, at 6p and 7p; go with a group from your floor! Rain location is VanMeter auditorium.

Thursday room changes will begin to be approved :)