Hugh Poland Hall ~ WKU

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Multicultural Leadership Retreat

"Salsa, Soul and Spirit" is October 12-13. Applications due Oct. 8. Click here to download the application or see more details!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Registering for Spring classes?

Are you ready to schedule for the Spring semester?
What do you need when you meet with your advisor?
Do you know who your advisor is?
Do you know how to read your iCAP?
Come find the answers at a table in the lobby!
If you miss the Poland table tomorrow, check these out:
Keen lobby: Oct.1, Bemis: Oct.1, Barnes: Oct.3 (all 5-6p)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Poland Punks football schedule

9/24 Monday BYE (no game)

9/26 Wed. 6:30p vs. Sigma Kappa purple/ Field 1 out

10/1 Monday 4:30p vs the Nobodys / Field 1 out

10/8 Monday 4:30p vs. Soulja Girls / Field 1 out

10/10 Wed. 4:30p vs. Sigma Kappa maroon/ Field 1 out

If you have questions about the Poland Punks flag football team, contact:
captain Jenn Grdina (room 511)
captain Jasey Beckman (room 519)
captain Suzanne Deevers (room 511)
RA Jessie Bishop (room 506)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Happy birthday Krista

Happy Birthday to Krista Korbel!
Send in your birthdays or other announcements to BP...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

A league of their own

Our very own flag football team is listed below.. You go girls!

League: WNFL South, Team #5
> Jenn Grdina (Captain)
> Jasey Beckman (co-captain)
> Suzanne Deevers (co-captain)
> Stephanie Gaddy
> Alex Roth
> Dana Snowden
> Chermonica Sullivan
> Paige Mesalam
> Sara White
> Jasmine Jackson
> Nicole Barrera
> Cheslee Shelton
> Amanda Ball
> Michelle Rhodes
> Caitlin Philips

Games start on 9/24, so check the schedule at the IMrec website!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Thanks for taking out your trash!

and compacting it! If you were confused about what to do with trash, the HDs at MC made a video about it. Enjoy:

Hall Council, meet the Pres.

We met Tuesday night and talked about:
  • ShantyTown (Oct. 10), which is a fun homelessness awareness program
  • a Potter Home kids Halloween party, at Poland
  • Homecoming (Nov.9) decoration contests
  • a costume party with Keen
  • We need reps from the 9th, 3rd, and 4th floors!
Here's a message from Alexis, who is serving as President for the fall semester:

Monday, September 17, 2007



Talk on Tuesdays at 4:30pm, PFT 27th floor (help Int'l students practice English)
DLI at 7p in the community room (if you applied)
Hall Council at 8:08p in the study room (everyone's invited)

Elizabeth Mohon, tonight

Tonight at 8pm, Poland Hall, the one..the only...Elizabeth Mohon. Bring a friend and bring your 'issues' -- and their issues. Come to vent or just to listen.

ps- Bring your baggage.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Potter Home this Saturday

Meet in the lobby at 9:30am Saturday to go to the Potter Childrens' Home Fall Festival. You can go to volunteer, or just to hang out!

Ask Tiesha (7th floor RA) for more info.

In October, we'll have a Halloween party and trick-or-treating here at Poland for the kids!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Be safe! Rape and sexual assault

Remember: First-year students during the first few months of school are at the highest risk. Here are a few numbers:
  • Women ages 16-24 are assaulted four times as much as other ages.
  • Of college students who survive sexual assault, almost 90% knew their attacker beforehand.
  • 1 in every 3 women will have been sexually assaulted in their lifetime. (1 in 6 for men).
  • Alcohol and other drugs are commonly involved in rape and assaults.
Use the escort service at night: 745-2548
For sexual assault, please contact (745-3159), WKU PD (5-2548), or your RA and Hall Directors.
Hope Harbor is another resource in Bowling Green: click on their image in bottom of the sidebar ->

Friday, September 07, 2007

Block Party

It was good for MasterPlan... It'll be good again, with T Gray on the laptop and your moves on the sidewalk. That's right, it's the Block Party remix this Monday at 8:30 in the PM.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Roooom Changes!

  • Room changes will begin to be announced Thursday (tomorrow), and will continue until Sept. 23. Whether you put in a request at Poland or another hall, be patient if you don't hear back on the first day!
  • Whichever hall you applied to, the instructions will come with your approval form in your Poland mailbox.
  • If you're roommate is moving out, and there is now a space in your room, you will also receive a notice of your options.
  • If you put in a request at Poland, and want to follow up on it, contact Lindsey at or catch her in her office (next to the study room)
  • All moves must be complete by Sunday night, Sept. 23. A consolidation meeting (for those still without roommates and not paying for a private room) will be held on Tuesday, 9/25, at 9:09pm in the HP study room.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Freshmen Assembly

TONIGHT at Guthrie Bell Tower (DUC South Lawn)
6.00 pm: free food and live music (Nashville rock band, "Ocelots")
7.00 pm: Freshman Assembly Ceremony. Speakers include President Ransdell, SGA President Jeanne Johnson, and a keynote address from Dr. Chris Groves (Geography and Geology).
~7.45 pm: drawing for three Apple iPods

Rain Plan: 7 pm, Diddle Arena

Monday, September 03, 2007

Do that laundry!

One of the great things about those front loaders is that they need a lot LESS soap! Use about 1/4 cup instead of whatever you're used to using. The way they spin, they agitate the soap much more than an old-school washer.

Use a full cup of detergent and it will take a long time to get the soap suds out of your clothes! (It will rinse and spin forreeeever.)
Need some laundry tips? Check this out

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Five Fun Facts

  1. Yes, you have TWO bathrooms (and a kitchen!) on your floor
  2. Yes, the USA Today by the elevators is FREE
  3. Yes, BP and Lindsey live here too (apartments are by the mailboxes - our offices are in the community room and by the study room)
  4. Yes, Hugh Poland Hall was built in '69
  5. Yes, Labor Day started back in 1882
Bonus fact: You can use Big Red Dollars at Baskin Robbins!