Hugh Poland Hall ~ WKU

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

MASTER Plan 2006...

M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan:
Making Academic and Social Transitions Educationally Rewarding
Here's the scoop: Poland opens for MASTER Plan students on Sunday, Aug. 20! Visit the website for more info on MASTER Plan week. (You'll get copies of the full schedule when you arrive). Here's the rest of the schedule for Sunday:
  • 8a-4p--Residence Hall Check-In @ Poland
  • !Importante! M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan Registration & Materials Pick-up 8a – 3p in Preston Center
  • Parking registration, and ID Center open in DUC
  • 1p-3p--Family Information Sessions
  • 3p-4p--President’s Reception for Families @ Preston porch
  • 5p--dinner on your own
  • 6:20p--Floor meetings (on your floor in Poland!) For students only :)
  • 8p--Opening Ceremony @ the collonade (walk up the hill with Poland gals, meet on 1st floor and porch area at 7:30!) Wear pink and white!
  • 9:30p--Social Events (tba)
Things to remember for Poland Hall move-in:
  • MASTER Plan visitation (for Mplan students only) is only from 8p-12a nightly. Friends and family can help you move in, but they cannot stay. Regular visitation hours begin when MASTER Plan ends.
  • Carry your Western ID and room key at all times! Present ID to the front desk when entering Poland.
  • Elevators for people carrying things up; please take stairs to go back down.
  • Front parking lot area is for unloading only- please move when finished.

Who is this "Hugh Poland"? History of our hall name...

"Hugh Poland earned nine varsity letters during his career on the Hill in the early 1930s, three each in football, basketball and baseball. Those were the days when the tradition-rich Western athletic program was beginning to make a name for itself. The Tompkinsville native was perhaps his best on the diamond, where the catcher played professionally for the St. Louis Cardinals and the Cincinnati Reds..."

Hugh Poland was a WWII veteran. Mr. Poland also served on the WKU Board of Regents from 1957-1981, the first to serve over 20 years. The hall was built way back in 1969, and recently became a renovated, single-gender residence hall. It was rededicated with the Poland family in the spring of 2006. Housing approx. 400 first-year women on 8 floors, Hugh Poland Hall will open again for Master Plan in only 25 days!

For more info on Poland Hall or WKU Housing, visit the Housing and Residence Life homepage.