Hugh Poland Hall ~ WKU

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Baaah! Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Potter Home party clip

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Did you know:
  • Aluminum never wears out; it can be recycled forever
  • The average person uses 2 cans per day
  • Recycling one can saves the same energy required to run your TV for 3 hours
  • It takes 100 years for a can to decompose in a landfill
  • Americans generate 50% of the world's trash, but only make up 6% of the population.
Recycle clean aluminum cans in the blue bin in the lobby. Use the blue can in your room to recycle anything you want! The Southern Recycling center is at 620 Clay St. Click here for more info about taking in other items besides aluminum.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Apply to be a Western Leader!

Do you want to be involved with Master Plan next year? Looking for leadership experience? Apply to be a Western Leader by November 12th, 2007 at HRL in SW Hall. Interviews are Nov. 12 and 13 at 8pm.

Minimum requirements are: full time student, cumulative 2.0 GPA, good disciplinary record.
For details, email

Friday, October 19, 2007

Depression screener

One out of four young adults will experience a depressive episode by age 24. Take a quick depression screener here. If you or a friend needs help, contact the friendly staff in Potter Hall at 745-3159 or

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Shantytown pics

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

When I grow up...

Undeclared? Curious? Want to take a free personalized career test?
Walk-in - No appt. needed! Take the DISCOVER Interest inventories online and get your results and consultation during walk-in visits.
Wednesday and Thursday, October 10-11th from 8-3:30pm, at DUC Annex A230 (Career Services Center)

It's not too early to think about Career Services! Start now.
ps- A Career Services rep. will be in Poland on Tues., Oct. 16, from 1-3p

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Academic Advantage Series

Helpful sessions held in The Learning Center (DUC A330):

Reading; Get more out of your books. Oct.10, at 5:30p and 7p
Using the library. Oct. 17, at 5:30p and 7p
Note-taking strategy. Oct. 23 and 24, at 5:30p each night
Learning styles & personalities. Nov.7, 5:30p and 7p
Avoiding plagiarism. Nov. 14, 5:30p and 7p

Monday, October 08, 2007

Study Bucks

As most of you know, the '5th week assessment' arrived -- and some of you are having trouble in 3, 4, or 5 of your classes so far. A few notes:
1) It's not too late. It may not be a great start, but 5 weeks isn't the end of the world. Did you know that you can drop a class up until Oct. 16th and get a "W" instead of an "F"? Did you know that you can add a bi-term class (2nd half of semester) that starts Oct. 17th? Talk with your advisor!
2) You're not alone. There are people here who can help! The staff at the AARC in DUC ( can get you started, or stop by The Learning Center to see if there are free tutors available for your subject. Talk with your RA or Hall Director about starting a Poland study group for a common class.
Spring Registration for freshmen is Oct. 30 - Nov.2, depending on your last name. Open registration starts Nov. 3.

Visit for more info!

PS- Poland staff will be awarding Study Bucks to people that get caught studying. Turn them into the front desk or your hall directors with your name and room # on the back. There will be a prize drawing in December!

4 clips from Thursday night

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Pink October

Every three minutes, someone is diagnosed with breast cancer. About 1 in 8 women will be in their lifetime. Make yourself aware of the risk factors and preventative measures!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

RAD Classes

Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) classes are still offered for free by WKU PD staff; here are the remaining classes this semester:
Class #2: Wednesday nights 5p-9p, Oct. 11, 18, 25
Class #3: Monday nights, 5p-9p, Nov. 5, 12, 19
The class is for women only, and focuses on awareness, risk-reduction and avoidance, and basic hands-on defense strategies. If you are interested, call PD at 5-2548 or email Sgt. Casas at

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Shantytown 2007

Wednesday night, Oct. 10, at 7pm is the annual ShantyTown on DUC south lawn. It is a homelessness-awareness event where each of the residence halls build a cardboard shanty. It has traditionally also been held in conjunction with the WKU chapter of Habitat for Humanity.Meet in the Poland Lobby at 6:30p next week Wednesday to head over and build a shanty! There will be music, a soup line, and a competition for the best shanty/biggest shanty/etc. If you can't stop by until later, we'll be there from 7p until ??

When you go home for Fall Break, considering bringing back the following items: Cardboard (clean), duct tape, gratitude for your home, and anything from this list of canned food items. Stop by the front desk with items, or bring them on Wednesday.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Congrats to WKU trivia winners!

Congrats to the winners of the WKU Trivia program at the front desk last week:
Sara Silver, Katherine Dunn, Rachelle Elam, Megan Haeberlin.
They won some cool stuff.