Hugh Poland Hall ~ WKU

Saturday, February 24, 2007

This Week In Poland

  1. Sunday: 1p in front of Preston, the teams from Amazing Race:WKU play cricket to avoid elimination!
  2. Sunday: the award-winning documentary "Ethnic Notions" shows on Ch.12, Saturday and Sunday, 6p, 8p, 10p, and 12am.
  3. Sunday: 9pm, Poland's time to tour PFT, eat food, register for prizes, and ask questions about Housing Renewal!
  4. Mon-Fri.: Housing Renewal Week, through TopNet.
  5. Monday: 8:30pm, Elizabeth Mohon presents "NO" - "how to be assertive in our relationships with each other so we don't get walked over all the time."
  6. Wed.: HP 4th floor birthday party

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